PT. SMART METER INDONESIA is an Indonesia-based company primarily engaged in Smart Energy Meter. Established in 2005, We are pleased to announce that PT. SMART METER INDONEŠIA is the first pioneer in Indonesia market and proudly made in Indonesia.
We prioritize product quality and customers satisfaction by consistently implementing a quality management system based on ISO 9001 : 2015.
To achieve the successful implementation of the Quality Management System in PT. SMART METER INDONESIA, our management establish the quality policy to support the company aim, as follows :
By prioritizing product quality, is the policy that must be achieved by all departments in the organization. Prioritizing and efficient and effective manufacturing system to achieve best product quality and making continuous improvements.
Customer satisfaction is the orientation of all departments in our organization. We always strives to provide good services to all customers by providing product knowledge, solving problem in fields, quality product, new innovation according customer’s input and suggestion and always listening the market needs.
By running the company’s business, PT. SMART METER INDONESIA establishes communication, listen and considers the expectation of interested parties. By implementing business ethics and company principles, PT SMART METER INDONESIA establishes relationship with interested parties as employees, shareholders, bank, government, suppliers of goods and services, outsourcing service providers.
The company always concern the employees and the company’s support for professionalism in work are the company’s quality policy. Ensuring all employees have motivation, a sense of belonging to the company and willingness to learn will make the organization grow. Provide all employees of PT SMART METER INDONESIA develop into a professional through internal and external training so all the human resources can ready to follow and face the new technology and knowledge.
Entering the global Covid-19 pandemic, PT SMART METER INDONESIA committing to managing the health crisis with the aim that employee health is a company priority. Implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the company creates a safe and comfortable work environment for all employees.
Quality Policy PT SMART METER INDONESIA aims that all employees and interested parties can grow together with PT. SMART METER INDONESIA
This Quality Policy will review by Management PT. SMAT METER INDONESIA regularly.